As our Consignor

If you are a local brand and you don’t have a website, yes you can be our consignor in our web and here are the terms & conditions to be one:

  • Your business is owned by Indonesian.
  • All your products are made locally in Indonesia (not buying from overseas and selling it in Indonesia).
  • You have not had a website.
  • Your brand has its own page in Instagram and Facebook page (please make sure to follow our Instagram page and our facebook page
  • Willingly to follow our terms & conditions as a consignor.
  • For more detail information, please do contact us at

If you join us as consignor, your brand can be featured in our instagram shop and your brand will look legit because it’s on a website.


As our Consignee

If you are interested to have one or two or all of our brands to be in your store (offline store), yes you can be our offline consignee and here is terms & conditions:

• You have a physically offline store located in Indonesia.

• Your store must be the same concept as the brand that you have chosen.

• We have a selection of brands that you can choose, you can select more than one brand to be in your store (depend on each brand’s capacity of stocks and operational work).

• For more detail information, please do contact us at