Jordan N99 Mask
Original price was: Rp300.000.Rp150.000Current price is: Rp150.000.
Jordan N99 Mask
Our masks are N99 rated and include carbon activated filters. At least 99% of the particulate matter 2.5 is filtered from the air and stopped from entering your body.
Size : all size (adjustable)
Color : black
Jordan N99 Mask
Masker Jordan adalah masker berkelas N99 yang mengandung penyaringan karbon aktif. Setidaknya 99% dari partikel halus 2,5 disaring dari udara dan dihentikan dari masuk ke tubuh Anda.
Ukuran : all size (Dapat disesuaikan)
Warna : hitam
Daya tahan masker :
Biasanya, penyaringan dalam masker wajah kita bertahan selama tiga sampai enam bulan tergantung dengan pemakaian. Kita menyediakan penyaringan untuk diganti di toko kita sehingga BaliMask Anda tetap efektif dan bertahan lama.
Masker wajah Maskurade melindungi Anda dari polusi udara dalam kemacetan dan memberi dampak positif pada kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia. Ini adalah misi kita!
PS :
– Foto milik kami pribadi.
– Mohon tanyakan kepastian untuk ketersediaan produk.
Jordan N99 Mask
Our masks are N99 rated and include carbon activated filters. At least 99% of the particulate matter 2.5 is filtered from the air and stopped from entering your body.
Size : all size (adjustable)
Color : black
Mask durability :
The exchangable filters inside our Maskurade usually last at least three to six months depending on usage. We offer affordable replacement filters in our shop in order to maintain the performance and extend the lifespan of your Maskurade.
Maskurade face masks protect you from air pollution in traffic and have a great impact on people’s health in Indonesia. That’s our mission!
NB :
– We take our own pictures.
– Please ask us to make sure of the product availability.