Onigiri handbag / Binteji


Onigiri handbag / Binteji

* Produced in Bali, Indonesia by Local artist.

* Material from Corduroy.

* Small cute and compact.

* Very light and easy to clean.

Size : 17 x 16 x 15 cm
Weight : 137 g

1 in stock

SKU: KOB06-VN Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,


Onigiri handbag / Binteji

* Diproduksi di Bali, Indonesia oleh lokal artist

* Terbuat dari bahan Kordura

* Tas kecil dengan space yang tidak kecil

* Sangat halus, mudah dibersihkan & ringan


Ukuran : 17 x 16 x 15 cm

Berat : 137 gr

Cara membersihkan Kordura :

1. Hindari pemakaian mesin cuci.

2. Gunakan sikat gigi dan deterjen yang lembut.

3. Jangan meninggalkan noda terlalu lama.

PS :

Kami meminta maaf apabila ada perbedaan warna antara foto dan barang, dikarenakan penggunaan camera yang berbeda dan pencahayaan.

Mohon tanyakan kepastian untuk ketersediaan produk.


Onigiri handbag / Binteji

* Produced in Bali, Indonesia by Local artist.

* Material from Corduroy.

* Small cute and compact.

* Very light and easy to clean.


Size : 17 x 16 x 15 cm

Weight : 137 gr


How to clean Corduroy :

1. Avoid washing machine.

2. Use soft toothbrush and detergent.

3. Don’t leave stains too long.

4. Avoid sunshine.


* Let it airdry.

* Clean mininmum once in two weeks if you use it daily.

* Room temperature, no humid space.


PS :

We apologize if there is any differences in colors between photo and the real products, it’s caused of camera and lightning during photoshoot.

Please contact us for the availability of the products.


Happy Shopping!

Additional information

Weight 137 g
Dimensions 17 × 16 × 15 cm