Tumbler / Water bottle


Air by Kind / Water bottle / Botol Air / Botol Minum

  • Diproduksi di Bali, Indonesia oleh lokal artist
  • Terbuat dari Stainless steel SUS304
  • Warna silver
  • Sangat ringan
  • Kapasitas 500ml
  • Keeps the temperature of hot / cold drinks longer (12 hours)
  • Anti Karat

Ukuran : 24 x 7.5 x 7.5cm
Berat : 350 g


Air by Kind / Bottle Water / Botol Air / Botol Minum

  • Made in Bali, Indonesia by curated local artist
  • Made of Stainless steel SUS304
  • Silver or  matte chrome in color
  • Very light and minimalist
  • Capacity 500ml
  • Max. capacity 4 cards and 15 folded cash.
  • Anti Rust

Size : 24 x 7.5 x 7.5cm
Weight : 350 g

1 in stock


Air by Kind / Water bottle /

Botol Air / Botol Minum
  • Diproduksi di Bali, Indonesia oleh lokal artist
  • Terbuat dari Stainless steel SUS304
  • Warna silver
  • Sangat ringan
  • Kapasitas 500ml
  • Keeps the temperature of hot / cold drinks longer (12 hours)
  • Anti Karat

Ukuran : 24 x 7.5 x 7.5cm
Berat : 350 g

Cara merawat stainless steel :

  1. Isi termos dengan air hangat dan setetes sabun cuci piring. Jangan merendam termos dalam air. Sebaiknya, isi air ke dalam termos.
  2. Biarkan air meresap selama tiga sampai lima menit untuk menghilangkan kotoran.
  3. Bungkus kain lap atau kain mikrofiber di sekitar penggosok botol dan gunakan untuk menggosok wadah dengan lembut. Jika ada makanan yang menempel di termos, gunakan scrubber botol saja.
  4. Setelah itu, bilas termos stainless steel dengan air hangat, lalu lap bagian dalam dengan handuk, dan biarkan mengering.

PS :

– Kami meminta maaf apabila ada perbedaan warna antara foto dan barang, dikarenakan penggunaan camera yang berbeda pada saat pengambilang foto dan pencahayaan disetiap lokasi.
– Mohon tanyakan kepastian untuk ketersediaan produk.


Air by Kind / Bottle Water / Tumbler

  • Made in Bali, Indonesia by curated local artist
  • Made of Stainless steel SUS304
  • Silver / matte chrome in color
  • Very light and minimalist
  • Capacity 500ml
  • Max. capacity 4 cards and 15 folded cash.
  • Anti Rust

Size : 24 x 7.5 x 7.5cm
Weight : 350 g

How to clean :

  1. Fill a thermos with warm water and a drop of dish soap. Do not immerse the thermos in water. Instead, fill the water into a thermos.
  2. Let the water soak for three to five minutes to remove any dirt.
  3. Wrap a washcloth or microfiber cloth around the bottle scrubber and use it to gently scrub the container. If there is food stuck to the thermos, use a bottle scrubber instead.
  4. After that, rinse the stainless steel thermos with warm water, then wipe the inside with a towel, and let it dry.
  • Please read our T&C for detailed information

Additional information

Weight 350 g
Dimensions 7.5 × 24 cm